Information on cookies on the website

To make our site easier and more intuitive we use technical cookies. Cookies are text files containing small portions of information that are stored on the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone) when you visit a website. Cookies do not record any personal information about a user and any identifiable data will not be stored. If you want to disable the use of cookies you must customize the settings on your computer by setting the deletion of all cookies or activating a warning message when cookies are stored. To proceed without changing the application of cookies, simply continue browsing. Technical cookies these cookies are essential in order to allow you to move around the site and fully use its features. Without these cookies there is no possibility of accessing the App. Under no circumstances are users’ personal or sensitive information recorded. VIEW AND DISABLE ALL COOKIES IN YOUR BROWSER using a tool created by the Network Advertising Initiative, you can simultaneously disable cookies from multiple third-party networks and ad servers currently on your browser.
How to clear your cache and delete cookies Google Chrome

  • In your browser toolbar, select the Chrome menu
  • Select Tools
  • Select Clear browsing data
  • In the box that appears, select “Cookies and other site and plug-in data” and “Cached images and files”
  • In the top menu box, select “all” to delete all content
  • Select Clear browsing data

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